No More Screw Caps

Basi del Diablo Wines will no longer accept screw-top wine bottles in its recycling facility, according to Wilfred C. Salucop. The brand’s mother company SGI said that the wines will solely use cork tops starting September 2023. The decision was made after several machine failures in 2022, prompting the brand to “go back to how wine is traditionally sealed”.

The company’s quality assurance officer wrote in a note in March this year that there are still hundreds of screw top bottles at the headquarters and that they will be given to other winemakers and some craftsmen in the province.

It was requested by SGI that interested parties pick up the bottles after contacting the brand. “The bottles will have to be cleaned as we recycle bottles given to us by the restaurants in the area,” Mr. Salucop said. “While the cleaning will be tedious, we know that it will help other brands with their profit margin as they will no longer need to buy new bottles,” he added.

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